From our contract...
In the unfortunate event that your puppy would need to be put down within the first three (3) years of its life due to genetics, or if it is found to have a congenital or hereditary disorder that is life threatening for your puppy, we will replace your puppy with a puppy from a future breeding of similar value. The cause of death or condition will have to be certified and recorded by a licensed veterinarian, and records be released to breeder. In the event that the puppy has not died and there is an issue, you may be asked to submit x-rays or have the condition verified with a second opinion.
We cannot guarantee that your puppy will never become ill or need more than routine veterinary care, and this guarantee does not cover the reimbursement of any veterinary bills associated with this puppy. We cannot guarantee that any puppy will pass OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) clearances.
What we need from you:
Nothing would make us happier than knowing that we have been a part of bringing a happy, healthy puppy into your family. To help ensure this, a veterinarian will examine your puppy prior to the date you take possession of you puppy, and we ask that you have your veterinarian do an examination of your puppy not more than 7 days after receiving your puppy. After your veterinarian has examined your puppy please submit a copy of your puppy's medical record to me at showmegoldens@gmail.com.
If at this visit any concerns are brought up by your veterinarian about the health of your puppy, please contact us immediately. You will have one week from your veterinary appointment to return the dog for a full refund minus your original shipping costs (if applicable). If there is a severe medical condition as to why the dog is being returned, we will pay for any return shipping charges, but not refund the original shipping charges.
Your puppy will come with all age-appropriate vaccinations and dewormings, however he or she will still need additional vaccinations. We will provide a copy of all vaccines and dewormings your puppy has received prior to entering your family. After that you and your veterinarian should establish what vaccines and care your puppy should receive. Please note, we strongly recommend that you do not allow your puppy to have contact with other dogs (in public) until they are fully vaccinated. Further, we do not recommend taking your puppy into public, even if other dogs are not present, until 10 days after they have received their second round of immunizations. Viruses contracted by allowing your puppy into public prior to proper vaccination is NOT covered in the health guarantee.
If at any time a medical condition arises that you feel we should be made aware of, and that may result in returning the dog, please contact us and send a report from your veterinarian. Your veterinarian report may be emailed to showmegoldens@gmail.com.
No issue will be addressed without accompanying medical records from a licensed veterinarian. If at any time you are in a position that you are not able to properly care for the dog, you are required to contact us. We care about the welfare of your dog and would be happy to accept the dog back or help you to find a suitable home, despite what condition or the age of the dog. This will not entitle you to a refund. The dog must NEVER be placed in a rescue, surrendered to animal control or any other agency. By signing this contract, you agree to relinquish the dog back to us before allowing the dog to be surrendered to a rescue/rehoming agency, or a private individual. If dog is relinquished to anyone without consent of SMG, the buyer agrees to pay a fee of $5,000.00 to Jenica Belsha, immediately upon demand. This will be strictly enforced. We care deeply about every single one of our puppies and that care does not end when they leave our home.
Exceptions to the Guarantee:
We cannot guarantee the disposition or temperament, conformation, size, weight, or breeding ability of your new puppy. We cannot replace your puppy if he or she has not received routine veterinary care. Routine veterinary care includes all vaccines, deworming, heartworm prevention, as well as flea and tick prevention. You are required to have your puppy seen annually by your veterinarian and maintain all vaccines and preventative care as recommended by your veterinarian.
This guarantee does not include any costs associated with spaying or neutering the puppy including that of undescended testicles. This guarantee does not include any fees associated with obtaining clearances for the dog, or that the dog will pass clearances. We cannot be held responsible for health issues on a dog that is overweight. We try our best to screen puppies with problems, and we also are very strict in our breeding program, culling from the program any parents with congenital problems, or ones that we learn throw congenital problems.
While we do not have any requirements regarding the age of desexing your dog, we do strongly recommend waiting until the dog is at least 18-24 months before doing so.